Mini-Pete goes to the Calvary Museum
As you walk along the street, there's dogs, and some big ones compared to me, I am just so thankful to be in Kimia's purse. Often times she leaves in her purse for days! But when she gets me out to explore, it's amazing! One amazing event I went to was the Calvary museum at church.
As we walked up the stairs there were covered with palm branches, there was a sign that said Jerusalem ahead, and there with letters all around. We unscrambled the words and it spelled Hosanna. When Jesus came into Jerusalem, he was on a colt, many put branches or their cloaks on the road before him, and shouted: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest heavens."

As we followed the sign we came to Jerusalem and went to Lazarus's house. There were remembered what happened before Jesus came to Jerusalem. We read that Jesus had dinner with his disciples at Lazarus's house and Mary washed Jesus' feet with a very expensive perfume. One of his disciple objected to this, but Jesus told him gently..."leave her alone, it was intended for her to use this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." As this was going on, a large crowd came to Jesus and many believed that day.

Next we came to the Temple. This was where Jesus drove out those who were buying and selling things there. And this verse was on the wall. We also learned about the greatest commandment. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment." Matthew 22:27

There was a lot of walking, just like there was probably in Jerusalem during the day, and soon we found ourselves reading the story of the fig tree that Jesus cursed. This fig tree was unique in that it had leaves and no fruit. This is a good reminder that you shouldn't just know the Word, but because you know the Word you should see fruit in your life.
Then we went to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed and his disciples fell asleep, and the Mt of Olives where Jesus was arrested. This was one of Tiger's favorite places. It just reminded him of his home.

Next we went Lord's last supper. Where we sat on the ground together remembering the Lord and the importance of the last supper. We also had a fun activity of putting food on the plates that would have been popular there.

We also had a moment to reflect on what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. We had the opportunity to write out our sin and put it on the Cross in the room and sit in silence before the Lord asking for forgiveness.

Next we walked to the Tomb. In the tomb we had to count to 180- that's three minutes, and remember the significance of Jesus' death on the cross. Three minutes is a long time in a dark room and it was so we remembered that Jesus rose in 3 days.

After three days, Jesus rose again. The women took spices they prepared to the tomb and realised the stone had rolled away. Then they went and shared the good news, and Jesus appeared to many.

This was a great way to spend the afternoon. My little legs are very tired.

Until next time.
Mini-Pete, Tiger and Charle
As we walked up the stairs there were covered with palm branches, there was a sign that said Jerusalem ahead, and there with letters all around. We unscrambled the words and it spelled Hosanna. When Jesus came into Jerusalem, he was on a colt, many put branches or their cloaks on the road before him, and shouted: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest heavens."

As we followed the sign we came to Jerusalem and went to Lazarus's house. There were remembered what happened before Jesus came to Jerusalem. We read that Jesus had dinner with his disciples at Lazarus's house and Mary washed Jesus' feet with a very expensive perfume. One of his disciple objected to this, but Jesus told him gently..."leave her alone, it was intended for her to use this perfume for the day of my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me." As this was going on, a large crowd came to Jesus and many believed that day.

Next we came to the Temple. This was where Jesus drove out those who were buying and selling things there. And this verse was on the wall. We also learned about the greatest commandment. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment." Matthew 22:27

There was a lot of walking, just like there was probably in Jerusalem during the day, and soon we found ourselves reading the story of the fig tree that Jesus cursed. This fig tree was unique in that it had leaves and no fruit. This is a good reminder that you shouldn't just know the Word, but because you know the Word you should see fruit in your life.
Then we went to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed and his disciples fell asleep, and the Mt of Olives where Jesus was arrested. This was one of Tiger's favorite places. It just reminded him of his home.

Next we went Lord's last supper. Where we sat on the ground together remembering the Lord and the importance of the last supper. We also had a fun activity of putting food on the plates that would have been popular there.

We also had a moment to reflect on what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. We had the opportunity to write out our sin and put it on the Cross in the room and sit in silence before the Lord asking for forgiveness.

Next we walked to the Tomb. In the tomb we had to count to 180- that's three minutes, and remember the significance of Jesus' death on the cross. Three minutes is a long time in a dark room and it was so we remembered that Jesus rose in 3 days.

After three days, Jesus rose again. The women took spices they prepared to the tomb and realised the stone had rolled away. Then they went and shared the good news, and Jesus appeared to many.

This was a great way to spend the afternoon. My little legs are very tired.

Until next time.
Mini-Pete, Tiger and Charle
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