It's a gloomy afternoon thunderstorms coming and going and at the moment all I want to do is cuddle in my blanket and read a good book or watch a good movie. Maybe that time will come, but there's so much to share at the moment.
Over the past couple weeks I have had a lot of fun. One afternoon, a family from church took Serina and I with them to Sopó. It's a nice little town an hour or so from where we live. Sopó is where the Alpina Dairy plant is located. It's the headquarters for all of Colombia. After a long bus ride, we finally arrived and decided to eat at this resturant.
Can't remember the name, but it was great! |
Mini-Pete wishing he could enjoy this amazing Conejo! That's rabbit, and one huge one, and delicious!
Patacón and Papas..hmmm so good! |
Limonada with mint...very refreshing
It seems as if Mini-Pete makes friends where ever he goes. I mean what's new when his owner does the same. He is very popular! Every day I am asked "Where is Mini-Pete?" "I want a Mini-Pete." While at Sopó we went to the cheese/dairy store and the kids each got a yogurt and when they twisted the bottom off, out came these friends!
Duckie, Mini-Pete and Monkey Lonkey enjoyed the day together.
I have enjoyed learning how to make arepas.
I have found a couple favorite places to eat.
Creme Fruit, which is right across the street! This is a scrumptious, banana split, with an edible bowl and three flavors of ice cream. |
Anything at Creme Fruit is delicious. This is a small bowl of creme, fruit and cheese!
La Tomatera. A great place to eat! We have heard they give Salsa lesson's here also. |
This is a nice quaint restaurant in the middle of town. If you come, you must have time, as it could take up to two hours to eat your meal since time is not that important here.
One of my favorite things to do, is get to know Colombians and build friendships. I have been blessed to meet several wonderful people in my time here in Colombia. This last Sunday I had a wonderful afternoon with several single gals from church in Mosquera where we made burritos and enjoyed getting to know each other.
Serina, Laura, and I helping out in the kitchen.
Many hands make light work and wonderful food!
Enjoying time together Julianna, Andrea, me, Alejandra, Serina Laura and Liliana. |
I must be hungry as I this entire post is all about food! All of which was amazing!
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