The adventures continue...

Standing in the library, I looked at the shelves of books, and thought how will I ever find a book to read, that I like. I don't even know where to start.  So I started in the corner and began reading the backs of the books in the hopes that one would jump out at me.  I did this for quite sometime, I tuned out all the noise around me and it was just me and the turning of the pages of the  books.  Row by Row, I looked at the  and then I stopped.  My heart did that little jumpy thing, something wasn't right.  It was quiet, no one was around.

This was not a good sign, as the library is connected to the kitchen.  I stepped out into the kitchen and found the door shut, maybe I could open it.  No luck.  I was locked in the library and the kitchen with no way out.  A window, thankfully was near by, so I just started to yell for help, hoping that Noily in the office would here me.  After a few minutes, Noily came running out to the terraza, looked at me from a distance, shook her head and took off the other direction.  There is only one person with a key, and she was on a mission to find her at least that is what I hoped.  Thankfully she did and I was set free from the library prison.

It's rainy season here in Costa Rica and sometimes an umbrella just doesn't work.  One day I ordered flowers for a friend at school,  I went to pick the flowers up, and it started to rain, so I went home to wait it out.  It wasn't long later that the rain turned to a drizzle and I began to make my walk back to school with my umbrella and the flowers of course  However, what I didn't know was that rain was on its' way again.  I was 4 blocks from school when the rain came from all sides, the wind was fierce, my umbrella wasn't going to work in this, and I couldn't even see 5 feet in front of me.  This was like a monsoon or a hurricane, it was bad.  By the time I got to school there was not part of me dry, I was drenched from head to toe leaving puddles where ever I stood, but it was worth it to bring flowers to a  good friend and to have a good laugh.  This rain was the worst storm that happened in Costa Rica in about 20+ yrs, and of course I'd be walking in it.  It was a funny sight, a good laugh, and worth it all.

Back in August of last year 2017, I was on my patio doing laundry when the wind came and shut my door going inside.  I didn't have a key, I had no phone and everyone else was at school, and my landlord wasn't home.  I was trapped on my patio with no way to get out.  ( I think there is a theme here, getting stuck places).  Well, once again all I could do was call for help, hoping some one was around and my neighbour just happened to be home and after explaining what happened and the idea I had, he made it work.  Between our apartments is a wall, all he needed to do was jump that walk up my steps, my front door was open, and then rescue me from my patio dungeon.  And that is exactly what he did.  I was so thankful not to have had to spend the entire day out there.

At times in life, we are in our own prison.  We are stuck, we are weak, we have no idea what the future leads, the changes that will happen, we are scared, and all we can do is cry out for help. What a blessing it is to have a heavenly Father, who hears our cries, who comforts us, and gently reminds us that " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9) It's in those valleys that we grow closer to our Lord and learn to depend on Him and listen to His voice.  We read over and over again that He is our deliverer and He will never leave us or forsake us.  He just asks us to trust, take that leap of faith, and believe that He is going do what He promises.

It's not fun being in the flames but the end is what is beautiful.  The refining part and coming out better than before.  We can seek our help from the Lord. He made us.  He wants us to call on His name.  For He is our guide, He is our deliverer, He is our Refuge and we can Trust HIM!   When our world around us seems like it is being shaken, the one firm foundation we have is our LORD!

The sixteen months of language school has been a refuge for me, a place to learn Spanish and the culture but most importantly a time for me to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord.  "Through it all, I've learned to TRUST in JESUS, I've learned to TRUST in God,  Through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word." -  Through it All  by SELAH.

I am now stepping into the unknown, many of graduates are. The unfamiliar, saying goodbyes, and meeting new friends, transitioning from language school to the field.. So here I step, with shaky legs and my heart beating rapidly ready to follow my leader.  To GO where He says GO or to STAY where He says STAY.  To LISTEN when He speaks, and to be PATIENT as He answers. The unknown... "This is a life like no other, This is the GREAT Adventure." 


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