
It's a gloomy afternoon thunderstorms coming and going and at the moment all I want to do is cuddle in my blanket and read a good book or watch a good movie. Maybe that time will come, but there's so much to share at the moment. Over the past couple weeks I have had a lot of fun. One afternoon, a family from church took Serina and I with them to Sopó. It's a nice little town an hour or so from where we live. Sopó is where the Alpina Dairy plant is located. It's the headquarters for all of Colombia. After a long bus ride, we finally arrived and decided to eat at this resturant. Can't remember the name, but it was great! Mini-Pete wishing he could enjoy this amazing Conejo! That's rabbit, and one huge one, and delicious! Patacón and Papas..hmmm so good! Limonada with mint...very refreshing It seems as if Mini-Pete makes friends where ever he goes. I mean what's new when his owner does the same. He is ve...