The adventures continue...
Standing in the library, I looked at the shelves of books, and thought how will I ever find a book to read, that I like. I don't even know where to start. So I started in the corner and began reading the backs of the books in the hopes that one would jump out at me. I did this for quite sometime, I tuned out all the noise around me and it was just me and the turning of the pages of the books. Row by Row, I looked at the and then I stopped. My heart did that little jumpy thing, something wasn't right. It was quiet, no one was around. This was not a good sign, as the library is connected to the kitchen. I stepped out into the kitchen and found the door shut, maybe I could open it. No luck. I was locked in the library and the kitchen with no way out. A window, thankfully was near by, so I just started to yell for help, hoping that Noily in the office would here me. After a few minutes, Noily came running out ...